Cleft to Obsidian
How to connect Cleft to Obsidian
Plus plan required: Please note, to use integrations a plus plan is required.
You will need to install the Front Matter Title community plugin and enable these settings for the integration to work properly.
Key Points
- Select a folder to store the files in (your Obsidian vault).
- You can change it or simply click clear to stop syncing altogether.
- We NEVER delete locally stored files, so even if you clear it, it won’t remove the files; it’ll just stop the process of saving them.
- One-way sync: Bi-Directional Sync is not supported in this release. If you update the Markdown (md) file locally, it won’t update in Cleft.
- Cleft will only create md files on update of an existing note or creation of a new note, instead of creating them in bulk when your list loads.
- This will let you make changes in Obsidian, and it will stay updated there unless you manually update the note in Cleft on that machine, in which case it would overwrite whatever is in Obsidian.
- Images + attachments will be broken in Obsidian files for security purposes. Because we don’t want your files to be public links viewable at any time, the URLs expire and are only refreshed when someone visits your published link or you open the note in Cleft. So if you add attachments or images to a note and sync it to a local file, the URL will have no way to update, and so the link will be broken.